Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Sharing our memories of love, life, and the way we were.
Each one of us leaves an imprint in this world. Who we are, our likes, dislikes, loves and needs would be of great interest to our families and to new generations. 

These memories will show how our hopes and dreams may have a connection to our children and grandchildren.

Recording information about our past, is storytelling, and keeps our memories alive.

"We are but mirror images of our ancestors". 

If we can make a connection with our future generations, then perhaps they can better understand who they are, and where they are going.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Find and Embrace Your Calling"

Whether we believe this to be our "Calling or Passion", it is what can bring true meaning into our life.

Finding our "Path" and following it, makes our life happier, and more worthwhile. This energy emanates  from our soul. It puts our life into focus, gives us the commitment and motivates us to deal with this wonderful responsibility. It validates us as an individual and can change our life.
I was thirty-one years old, when I discovered my true calling, or path. I have always loved helping people to be their best. For me it was to physically enhance their appearance with makeup and clothing.

The satisfaction I have received all these years can never be duplicated.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Surviving Menopause"

Just as we approach middle age, gaining wisdom, accepting who we are, retiring and getting ready to enjoy the next phase of our life, we go through Menopause.

Some of us suffer more than others. The hot flashes, loss of sleep, energy, and weight gain. Looking at ourselves in the mirror is very disturbing. What happened to that youthful glow? All we see is wrinkles, droopy skin, and a lackluster look. We need a toning of our entire body. It does not take very long for everything to go South. How do we accept ourselves and how we have changed? Getting old is no easy task. What are the alternatives?

Getting the proper nutrition, supplements, exercising, and movement plays a key role in helping us to keep strong, manage our weight, and overall good health. We must work extra hard to combat the aging process. We cannot let ourselves go, for if we do, then we will suffer the consequences.

You must embrace the mindset to "think young". With that said, what we believe, can only work to help us achieve our goals.

"You're not getting older, just better"! Aging gracefully takes a lot of effort!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Empower Yourself"

Allowing people to act out their bad behavior, is to enable them to continue with their actions.

Whether they are bullies or they just exhibit a bad, hurtful attitude, they will never change their ways unless they are made aware of how their actions are unacceptable towards others.

Confronting this person, will not only be helping them in making them aware of how their actions affect others, but by speaking up, you are taking back your power and not letting them get away with this bad behavior.

Be clear, Be strong. Take back your Power!